Describe a situation in which the actions of a larger group influenced your own actions. Discuss how the actions you took may have been different if you were not in a group situation.

  • Describe a situation in which the actions of a larger group influenced your own actions. Discuss how the actions you took may have been different if you were not in a group situation.

Describe a scenario where a BACB Disciplinary Ethical Standard was violated, psychology homework help

Describe a scenario where a BACB Disciplinary and Ethical Standard may have been violated. Provide the context of the situation, the events that lead to the situation, and the steps you would take to help resolve the situation. Make specific reference to the BACB Disciplinary and Ethical Standards and support your resolution to the situation using the BACB Guidelines for Responsible Conduct.


one typed page per question

Live Chat Assignment #1-Name and describe the various biological influences on our behavior.  Why do you feel it is critical to our understanding of behavior that we study Biology?

Live Chat Assignment #2 -Using the chart on page 185 in the textbook, compare and contrast two different theories of intelligenve.  Be sure to use at least one other credible source.


You will complete a book review of Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by McMinn that consists of 4 sections, each with a current APA heading. Use the provided template which has a correct title page, headings, and examples of in-text citations, and reference page (McMinn listed as the reference). You will not use any additional sources for this paper.

Summary (35 points)

The McMinn book can be divided into 2 broad “parts.” The first part comprises chapters 1–2 and in those chapters, McMinn lays down a foundationfor the rest of the book. In your summary of the first 2 chapters, explain the essential elements in McMinn’s approach to the integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality into counseling. If you had to identify the most important concepts in McMinn’s foundation, what would they be? Present your points clearly, with ideas organized by paragraphs. The second part of the book comprises the applicationchapters (chapters 3–8). In your summary of these chapters, identify the most important elements of each chapter that best characterize McMinn’s approach to integration. Consider using a separate paragraph for the summary points from each of the chapters. For length, the first section of your paper should be the longest section (1–2+ pages suggested).

Personal Reflection (10 points)

We often remember what speaks to us personally. Pick out a few concepts from McMinn that most resonated with you and tell us why they touched you personally. Make sure you provide a clear tie-in to a main point from McMinn. Do not just tell a personal story prompted by secondary points – stick to the main ideas. Make this section approximately 1 page.

Analysis (20 points)

What did you find truly unique about McMinn’s approach? What was most helpful? What suggestions from McMinn will be most difficult to utilize in your own counseling? In this section, pick out 3–5 unique ideas (generally not found in every other book on Christian counseling) and explain why you found them unique, or difficult, absolutely essential, or impossible to apply, etc. Highlight the 3–5 unique points to make them obvious to the reader and make this section approximately1 page.What you write in this section must exhibit that you read this book thoughtfully.

Application (20 points)

Think of how you would apply concepts from this book to your work as a human services counselor. First, briefly describe the setting in which you will most likely work (or presently do work)—community services agency, hospital, adoption agency, church counseling center, probation office, etc. Then for your particular agency, list at least 5 important concepts from McMinn that you most likely will apply in your work on that setting. Briefly explain how you would apply McMinn’s concepts. Why did you choose those particular concepts? You could also explain the challenges you might face as you seek to integrate psychology/theology/spirituality into your human services counseling. In this section, provide a numbered list of concepts. This section should be approximately 1 or more pages.

Keep in mind that while the template with correct and current APA formatting is provided, you must present your ideas using professional (graduate level) writing. Writing quality will count for 15 points of your total. Note that page length is suggested; you will not be penalized for going over the suggested length unless the longer length reveals poor writing. Sections shorter than the suggested length may indicate inadequate content.

McMinn Book Review is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.


Review the position paper assignment that is due in Module Seven. For the position paper, you will make value judgments about prevailing debates in the field. While you will be relying more on your personal viewpoints, you must still substantiate claims with logic, reason, and evidence. This is your opportunity to engage in independent research. This assignment is made of two components. The literature review for your position paper is due in this module, and the position paper is due in Module Seven.

For this task, conduct a literature review of at least five appropriately cited, peer-reviewed journal articles. This literature review is used as a framework for the position paper.

For additional details, please refer to the Position Paper Guidelines and Rubric document and the Literature Review Rubric document.

This is an 8 page assignment.


Follow the rubric requirements (attached).

Sources must be cited with APA format.

Plagiarism is unacceptable. Must be less than 20% copied from source.

PSY/7610 Discussion 1

Is the Measure of Consistency a State of Mind?


  • Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.
  • Professional Communications and Writing Guide.

In your unit readings from the Psychological Testing and Assessment text, you read about three sources of error variance that occur in testing and assessment. These include test construction, test administration, and test scoring and interpretation. Additionally, other sources of error may be suspect. You were also introduced to reliability coefficients, which provide information about these sources of error variance on a test (see Table 5-4).

The following reliability coefficients were obtained from studies on a new test, THING, purporting to measure a new construct (that is, Something). Alternate forms of the test were also developed and examined in subsequent studies published in the peer-reviewed journals. The alternate test forms were titled THING 1 and THING 2. (Remember to refer back to your Psychological Testing and Assessment text for information about using and interpreting a coefficient of reliability.)

  • Internal consistency reliability coefficient = .92
  • Alternate forms reliability coefficient = .82
  • Test-retest reliability coefficient = .50

In your post:

  • Describe what these scores mean.
  • Interpret these results individually in terms of the information they provide on sources of error variance.
  • Synthesize all of these interpretations into a final evaluation about this test’s utility or usefulness.
  • Explain whether these data are acceptable.
  • Explain under what conditions they may not be acceptable and under what conditions, if any, they may be appropriate. 

Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two other learners.

research paper——i need a strong writer


Research Paper: Submission Instructions


The research paper is designed to provide you with an opportunity to fully appreciate how learning principles can be applied to an issue or psychological disorder that is of interest to you in terms of your vocation or thesis research. Together with the article review forms, this assignment will also guide you through the process of interpreting and evaluating primary sources. You will have an opportunity to go beyond summarizing what you have learned to formulating your own ideas about future research.


The paper will discuss an area of applied research that relies heavily on learning principles. The introduction portion of the paper will include a general discussion of the area of applied research and why it is important. This section will also discuss the learning principles and methods used in this area of research. Be sure to cite the papers that originally proposed a theory or model and papers that originally applied a learning principle to an applied area of research. For example, if the topic of the paper is “relapse among drug addicted individuals,” then the introduction would include a discussion of spontaneous recovery of operant behavior and how this learning principle has been applied to drug addiction research. Be sure to also make a strong case for why the issue, to which the learning principle is being applied, is important (e.g. how many people does it affect, how much money does it cost society). Most importantly, the introduction should also clearly state the hypothesis of the paper. The hypothesis will become a touchstone that you continually draw the reader’s attention back to throughout the paper (e.g. “These findings support the hypothesis that…” or “These findings are inconsistent with the hypothesis that…”).

Literature Review:

The next section of the paper will start with a short review of the theoretical literature pertaining to the learning principle in question. This should be followed by a much more detailed discussion of the current literature in your chosen area of applied research. Try to select articles that are along similar lines of inquiry in order to tell a coherent story about the research. For example, if your topic is the role of second order conditioning in anxiety, then you could discuss a series of experiments that were designed to determine the critical variables that determine when and how a second order conditioned stimuli comes to elicit a stress response (i.e. anxiety). The paper could also be organized to present two different theories about your topic. In this case you would discuss the differences in their hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. Avoid discussing a paper from a single lab, as this will not give an accurate picture of the literature as a whole. This section of the paper should discuss at least 6 different peer-reviewed journal articles. Discuss the rationale, methods, results, interpretation, and your critique of each article. The critique of the article can include a discussion of the lack of an important control group or alternatively, the strength of the findings, owing to the fact that the investigators controlled for alternative explanations for the findings. There should also be a clear, logical flow from one study to the next. Avoid the impression that the paper is just a list of papers. There should be logical progression from study to study.


The discussion section should start with a summary of all of the relevant findings. There should not be any new information in the summary statements. The next section should focus on recommendations and implications of your findings. Reflect on why these findings are important and who would benefit from them. Based on the current state of the literature in this field, what should be the focus of future research? This may be obvious, but more likely it will require a great deal of thought and reflection. It may be helpful to keep this question in mind as you are reading through each article. The final section of the paper will recap the importance of the topic. Put your findings in the context of your thesis statement. Did your findings support your thesis or were they inconsistent with your thesis/hypothesis.


This section of the paper is intended to give you an opportunity to reflect on your writing process. What works for you and what does not? Which parts of the assignment were helpful and why? Did you find the article reviews helpful? More generally, what have you personally taken away from this assignment? Finally, how is this assignment going to impact your career goals?

Steps to complete your paper:

1.      Pick an area of research that uses learning principles.

2.      Find a recent review article and other basic information to use for background. These may also lead you to important journal articles that you will want to discuss in your paper.

3.      Find peer-reviewed empirical journal articles (papers that include methods and results sections).

a.       PsycNet will only allow you to view peer-reviewed articles.

4.      Write an outline of your paper.

5.      Expand the outline into a PowerPoint presentation.

6.      Write the paper.


1.      Current APA style title page.

2.      Current APA style abstract.

3.      Current APA style reference page.

4.      The paper must be at least 10 pages (not including a cover page, abstract, or references).

5.      All current APA formatting guidelines must be adhered to.

a.       Any fact that is not common knowledge must have a reference.

b.      Any idea or conclusion which is not your own must be accompanied by a citation—give credit to the person who had the idea.

c.       APA formatted section headers are required in your paper. They should clearly describe the contents of each section.

6.      A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journal articles must be cited. Some of the articles can be used for background information, but at least 6 studies must be discussed and critiqued in detail. Do not use textbooks, websites, or blogs.

7.      Attach the first page (including the abstract) of each of the 6 articles you discuss to the end of your paper for the instructor’s reference.


     I.               Introduction

A.                State your topic. (e.g. “This paper will examine the roles of spontaneous reinstatement of operant behavior in drug addiction.”)

                                                    1.               State why this topic is important (e.g. “More than 80% of individuals who go through substance abuse treatment will relapse within 5 years.”)

                                                    2.               State your initial research questions (e.g. “What are the critical variables that contribute to spontaneous recovery of operant responding for drugs of abuse?”)

B.                 Background information about the issue

                                                    1.               Learning principle (e.g. “Spontaneous recovery was first reported by _______. Later research revealed that _____,_______, and ______ influence spontaneous recovery in animal studies”.)

                                                    2.               Principle’s application to the problem or issue (e.g. “______ initially suggested that drug relapse may work through a similar mechanism. The methods used to study spontaneous recovery of drug seeking behavior are…”)

C.                 State your hypothesis. Your hypothesis is the main focus of the paper (e.g. “While stress is a critical factor in the reinstatement of operant behavior for drugs of abuse, its effects can be mitigated by an enriched environment”). Everything discussed in the paper should be related back to the hypothesis.  Does a study support or contradict your hypothesis.

                                                    1.               Define all terms in your hypothesis, referencing appropriate sources

                                                    2.               Discuss any points of clarification

a)                  Point 1

b)                  Point 2

(1)               … (as needed)

(2)               …

  II.               Literature Review

A.                Theoretical literature pertaining to the learning principle

                                                    1.               Overview and summary of each theory or explanation

                                                    2.               Relevance of each theory/explanation to the issue

                                                    3.               Application of the theoretical findings to the issue

B.                 Applied literature—Repeat for each study

                                                    1.               Rationale of the study

                                                    2.               Overview of the study

                                                    3.               Methodology (key elements)

                                                    4.               Key findings related to your hypothesis

                                                    5.               Critique of the study

a)                  Design?

b)                  Appropriate methods?

c)                  How do the findings relate to your hypothesis/thesis?

III.              Discussion

A.                Summary

                                                    1.               Summary of all of relative findings

B.                 Recommendations

                                                    1.               What can be learned from this research?

                                                    2.               What are the implications?

                                                    3.               To whom are these recommendations relevant and why? (e.g. parents, government agencies, organizations, educational institutions, mental health professionals)

C.                 Future Research

D.                Conclusions

                                                    1.               Recap the importance of your topic (no new information)

                                                    2.               Revisit your thesis statement (did you find support or no support?)

                                                    3.               Conclusion based on information derived from the literature

IV.               Assessment of Research Paper Writing Process (this section is based on your process)

A.                How your process worked (evaluate your own writing process)

                                                    1.               Outline

                                                    2.               PowerPoint presentation

                                                    3.               Article review assignment

B.                 What have you learned

C.                 How is this assignment going to impact your career goals

  V.              References

A.                Reference 1

B.                 Reference 2

C.                 Reference 3

D.                Reference 4

E.                 Reference 5

F.                  Continue as needed

VI.               Article abstracts

A.                Abstract 1

B.                 Abstract 2

C.                 Abstract 3

D.                Abstract 4

E.                 Abstract 5

F.                  Abstract 6

Research Paper: Submission Grading Rubric Instructions


Meets Expectations

Partially Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations



Title Page

5 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Title correctly summarizes the content of the paper.

Title is appropriate for a formal research paper.

3.25 points

Missing 1 of the following criteria:

Title correctly summarizes the content of the paper.

Title is appropriate for a formal research paper.

0 to 1.25 points

Meets none of the following criteria:

Title correctly summarizes the content of the paper.

Title is appropriate for a formal research paper.


15 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Clearly states the topic of the paper.

Summarizes the content of the paper.

States implications of the findings.

150–250 words.

7.5 points

Missing 1 or 2 of the following criteria:

Clearly states the topic of the paper.

Summarizes the content of the paper.

States implications of the findings.

150–250 words.

0 to 3.75 points

Missing more than 2 of the following criteria:

Clearly states the topic of the paper.

Summarizes the content of the paper.

States implications of the findings.

150–250 words.


50 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Provides background research for both the learning principles and the applied research in a clear, logical manner.

Describes importance of the issue or problem.

Articulates a clear hypothesis for the paper.

Flows well into the discussion of the journal article to be discussed. 

25 points

Missing 1 or 2 of the following criteria:

Provides background research for both the learning principles and the applied research in a clear, logical manner.

Describes importance of the issue or problem.

Articulates a clear hypothesis for the paper.

Flows well into the discussion of the journal article to be discussed. 

0 to 12.5 points

Missing more than 2 of the following criteria:

Provides background research for both the learning principles and the applied research in a clear, logical manner.

Describes importance of the issue or problem.

Articulates a clear hypothesis for the paper.

Flows well into the discussion of the journal article to be discussed.

Applied Research Articles

50 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Clearly articulates the rationale for each of the experiments within the context of the previously discussed literature.

Concisely reports the relevant elements of the methodology of each study.

Accurately discusses the results and puts them in the context of the literature.

Provides a sound critique of the studies.

Demonstrates the logical progression of studies and/or how the articles relate to each other.

25 points

Missing up to 3 of the following criteria:

Clearly articulates the rationale for each of the experiments within the context of the previously discussed literature.

Concisely reports the relevant elements of the methodology of each study.

Accurately discusses the results and puts them in the context of the literature.

Provides a sound critique of the studies.

Demonstrates the logical progression of studies and/or how the articles relate to each other.

0 to 12.5 points

Missing more than 3 of the following criteria:

Clearly articulates the rationale for each of the experiments within the context of the previously discussed literature.

Concisely reports the relevant elements of the methodology of each study.

Accurately discusses the results and puts them in the context of the literature.

Provides a sound critique of the studies.

Demonstrates the logical progression of studies and/or how the articles relate to each other.


30 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Summarizes the research findings and puts them in the broader context of the field of study.

Provides thoughtful recommendations/implications for relevant parties.

Provides his/her own ideas about future research based on the presented findings.

Provides a compelling conclusion section that wraps up the paper.

15 points

Missing 1 or 2 of the following criteria:

Summarizes the research findings and puts them in the broader context of the field of study.

Provides thoughtful recommendations/implications for relevant parties.

Provides his/her own ideas about future research based on the presented findings.

Provides a compelling conclusion section that wraps up the paper.

0 to 7.5 points

Missing more 2 or more of the following criteria:

Summarizes the research findings and puts them in the broader context of the field of study.

Provides thoughtful recommendations/implications for relevant parties.

Provides his/her own ideas about future research based on the presented findings.

Provides a compelling conclusion section that wraps up the paper.

Assessment of Research Writing Process

10 points

Meets all of the following criteria:

Gives a meaningful evaluation of their writing process (i.e. what did and did not work well).

Provides a thoughtful discussion of what they have learned as a result of writing the paper.

Reports how the assignment has impacted their career goals.

5 points

Missing 1 of the following criteria:

Gives a meaningful evaluation of their writing process (i.e. what did and did not work well).

Provides a thoughtful discussion of what they have learned as a result of writing the paper.

Reports how the assignment has impacted their career goals.

0 to 2.5 points

Missing more than 1 of the following criteria:

Gives a meaningful evaluation of their writing process (i.e. what did and did not work well).

Provides a thoughtful discussion of what they have learned as a result of writing the paper.

Reports how the assignment has impacted their career goals.

Current APA Style

20 points

All current APA standards are followed.

10 points

No more than 3 different current APA formatting violations.

0 to 5 points

More than 3 different current APA formatting violations.

Style and Documentation

20 points

Free or almost free of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics errors;

Appropriately cites sources.

10 points

Has some errors but does not represent a major distraction;

Appropriately cites sources but misses some minor sources.

0 to 5 points

Has errors that are distracting and obscure content meaning.

Neglects important sources or documents few to no sources.



Instructor’s Comments:

GED215 #3

 Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:Psychology of Adjustmernt• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).500 words or more, apa format

1.Describe four methods of inducing compliance. Provide a concrete example of each.   2.List and describe five reasons workers suffer from low job satisfaction.   3.What are five methods of birth control? Describe how each is used and provide a description of  the general effectiveness of each.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning? What are the long-term and short-term effects of alcohol on bodily functions?

Answers in explanation.

For alcohol poisoning, it an acute condition obtained by drinking high concentrations of alcohol in a short period of time. If this happened in a party and everyone is drinking, it will be very hard to notice this.

The symptoms for alcohol poisoning are the following: possibly a seizure (a person shakes violently for no good reason), vomiting (although sometimes considered normal in a drinking event), loss of consciousness (not reacting and waking up to any stimuli like a slap to the face), and very slow respiration like 8 breaths and below in a minute (1 respiration count is 1 inhale and 1 exhale) because the alcohol suppressed the medulla oblangata from performing its functions in stimulating the lungs and the intercostal muscles properly.

(note: if you are very drunk like the one who has been poisoned, it may be unlikely you could count correctly or notice the difference between really drunk and really poisoned so it will be very wise to have someone who is sober to count the respiration and the common sense to call the emergency hotline in their country).

For short term effects of alcohol on the body, it would be nausea (feeling dizzy), removal of various character inhibitions (rule breaking) and vomiting. For long term effects of alcohol, we have psychological dependence where the body will not function normally if alcohol is not ingested, psychosis can also develop where the alcoholic develops violent fits of rage and paranoia, hand tremors also become common because of vitamin b deficiency and liver damage which may lead to liver cancer.

Personality Theory at Work in Popular Media

For this discussion, you will choose a person who has an important presence in popular media today. This person might be a political, business, human rights, education, or entertainment figure. Examine the major theoretical approaches studied in the class so far (psychodynamic, behavioral, learning, trait and type, and humanistic). Briefly describe your chosen figure’s personality from the point of view of each of these five approaches. Evaluate and describe any cultural considerations which may affect the personality assessment within each of the given approaches. Analyze the ethical implications of basing your personality assessment on the information available through the popular media. Select the theoretical approach you think best describes the person and elaborate on his or her personality using this approach.  MInimum of 750.