What is Industrial Engineering?, essay help

Research Assignment #1 (Due on Thursday, 2/4/16 at 12:00pm via Bb only)

“What is Industrial Engineering?” Essay

Assignment Summary:

Your assignment is to write a single-page essay about “What is Industrial Engineering?” It must be wordprocessed,

single-spaced and at most one page (no more, no less). Also, you must have a margin size of 1 inch

on all sides (i.e., where the top, left and rights sides are even) of your submitted assignment. Occasionally,

your article may not fully reach the bottom margin due to the writing of your essay; thus, if this occurs, you

must not leave more than a 1.5” margin at the bottom in any case. If necessary, write a longer essay! Font

size must be 12 pt and the font type should be Times New Roman for this assignment.

The entire essay must be composed of three paragraphs (again, no more, no less) and these should discuss the

following information:

 (Paragraph 1) What is engineering? What is industrial engineering (IE)? What’s involved in the field of

IE? What educational background is needed for IE?

 (Paragraph 2) What are the various disciplines involved with industrial engineering? What work can

you do in the field? Why is it an important field? What kind of careers can one have in IE?

 (Paragraph 3) Why are you interested in industrial engineering? What motivated you to study IE?

What goals do you have for your career in IE? What do you hope to accomplish once you graduate?

To assist you in completing this assignment, you may use 1-2 references/sources. These can be journal

articles, webpages, books, etc. At the top of the second page, please write the following information:

Name: John Doe

Class: IEGR 204.002

Date: 2/4/16

Assignment: IE Essay

Next, a proper bibliographic reference MUST appear next (under your information) on this second

page. Although many reference styles exist, the only style that will be accepted in this class is the APA-style as

shown demonstrated on the next page.

APA formatting:

First Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Second Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial.

(year of publication). Title of the article with only the first letter of the first word in title or sub-title as well as

proper nouns and acronyms are capitalized. Name of Journal in Italics, volume in italics (issue number in

parenthesis and not in italics if known), first page number-last page number.

APA Example:

Pitts, Jr., R.A., & Ventura, J.A. (2009). Scheduling manufacturing cells using Tabu Search. International Journal

of Production Research, 47(24), 6907-6928.

Additional formatting can be found at the Purdue OWL website at

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/06/ and click the appropriate “Reference List” item on the

left column for the type of source you are using. Be sure that this is done EXACTLY as shown, or you will lose

points for a missing comma or period… or even if you forget to italicize the periodical or book title, etc.

Formatting is a very important element when putting together your write-up in research.


 Remember to be sure your Bear Necessity Card (BNC) is activated at the library if doing any off-campus

searching! This was discussed in yesterday’s class (on 1/28/16).

 The article MUST be submitted via Bb from the assignment link, but NOT as an email. In other words,

DO NOT SEND THE ASSIGNMENT VIA MSU EMAIL nor the Bb email system! The assignment will not be

graded or accepted if sent as any type of email attachment for this assignment. NO EXCUSES.

 Please submit the assignment on-time to maximize your grade, as this will serve as your first research

assignment grade worth 7% of your overall grade. NO LATE ASIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

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