question  What do you plan to do with your hard-won degree?

reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name


What do you plan to do with your hard-won degree? Set a SMART goal for yourself and then comment on a classmate’s. Add research but doesn’t have to be from a journal.

students response


This is a question that I have been throwing around for many years, asking myself what do I want to do when I grow up. As I have made this journey through my bachelor’s and halfway to my masters, I have looked at many different directions to pursue. After I graduate with my masters, I still have to play this game in the Navy for a couple of more years before I can grow up and get a real job. After researching the smart goals, I have learned that it is an excellent approach that brings the focus, clarity, and motivation that people can often neglect when goal-setting (Cechova, 2019).  Right now, at this point in my career, I have been a leader, trainer, and mentor.

That being said, my goal right now utilizing the smart concept is first retiring from the Navy in two and half years then:

Specific: Working in a corporate company in the HR training and development department. One of my greatest rewards is being able to train and educate people; nothing is better than when they grasp a concept, and you see that light spark and turn on inside of them.

Measurable: When I get a job post-military, this is the direction that I will be heading in, so when I get the job in two and a half years, I will have accomplished this step.

Attainable: This is a very obtainable goal every company needs trainers, as we have learned in this class a successful company and employee never stop trying to learn and grow. When I retire from the Navy, I will have been leading, guiding, and training sailors for the last 22 years. I have been in many leadership roles, done a tour as a teacher teaching hundreds of sailors. I think I am pretty confident to say that I am qualified to teach.

Result-committed: The goals and that dreams that I have in mind are very obtainable, I live by the ideals and philosophy that no-one will outwork me, out hustle me, do more than me or work harder than me. There are 24 hours in a day right now I utilize 20 of them between work, family, and school. I will do whatever it takes and work harder and longer than anyone else to accomplish my goals.

Time Target: I have two and a half years to retire, and I will have a job in the HR field within six months of retiring or before I retire because failure is not an option for me I will not let myself fail.




Cechova, D. (2019). What is the purpose of SMART goals? Retrieved from People goal:

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