Mention and explain extensively the major function of the Integument system, assignment help

1. Mention and explain extensively the major function of the Integument system. If it is uncomplicated for you answer this question as an essay (none less than 5 paragraphs.)

2. Describe the anatomical structure of the skin, Layers and their different stratum, functions, localization and distributions.

3. The skin is the home for several accessory structures, these are: glands, hair, and nail. Mention and describe their function, localization, types of glands and their secretions, anatomical features, hormonal influence,

4. Describe the structures and organs, including the accessory organs that form the Digestive System, with their function, localization, and structures.

5. The normal body temperature is said to be 98.6 F. To maintain this temperature the human body need some special regulatory function, Mention and describe this several regulatory mechanisms

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