HCS 446 week 2 discussion question 4

Now let’s furnish your facility, what office furniture will you use?  Workstations, separate offices,  interior design……….what will you include in your facility and discuss the specific area and what’s included (these are the EXACT elements you must include in the week 4 facility design:

  • Customer service spaces (reception, bathroom, vending machine)
  • Clinical support (nurse’s station, charting, supply storage)
  • Physician office for patient consultation
  • Administrative offices
  • Building support (laundry, generator, housekeeping,engineering)
  • Mechanical support (laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, oxygen, suction)
  • Color and noise elements (insulation, carpeting, plants)
  • Regulatory elements (OSHA , ADA – wheelchair, support rails)
  • IT elements or creative healing environment (laptop, plants, pictures

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