Develop a brief explanation of the proposal content

Outline for Grant Proposal

Final Due: October 26, 2019

Students – you are to create a grant proposal that includes the sections discussed below. When considering your approach to completing this assignment, write the proposal as if you were asking me to fund the new innovative program/project that you developed as a result of your research. In addition to the proposal outlined in the following sections, each student should have a cover letter to his/her proposal. See the sample cover letter in your textbook. Appendices to this outline are provided to help you with objectives and evaluation design decisions.

1. Proposal Introduction (1 page-2 points)

a. Develop a brief explanation of the proposal content. This is an overview of what the Funder can expect to read in the grant proposal (deal with this section as if you were developing an abstract). Save the background of the problem for the statement of need section.

2. Statement of Need (3 pages-5 points)

a. Explain to the Funder the background of the issue and set the foundation of a compelling argument for why your proposal should get funded.

b. Use information from the following sources to establish the rationale for why your proposal is deserving of funding: the literature reviewed for your annotated bibliography, findings from the Surveys, Focus Groups, and/or qualitative interviews, any pre-existing data from your agency, government publications, and other organizations.

3. Project Goals and Objectives (1 page-5 points)

a. Explain to the Funder what your overall goal will be and your outcome objectives. You should have two or three outcome objectives.

b. Remember to use S.M.A.R.T. objectives (Appendix A).

c. Objectives should be Outcome rather than Process.

4. Project Logic Model (1 page-3 points)

a. Explain the theory behind the logic model concept and the rationale for using it.

b. Using the logic model format that you were provided, show the Funder what resources will be needed, how they will be used, what outcomes are anticipated, how the outcomes/objectives will be evaluated, and the overall impact of the project.

5. Project Description (4 pages – 10 points)

a. Give a detailed narrative of how you envision the funded project operating. List and describe the activities that will be included in the project design. This section should include at least the following:

· Who will receive the services, how will they be recruited, and screened, what will be the eligibility criteria for participation, and what will be the intake process

· List and describe each of the service components

· Describe the flow of services, or how will the participants move through the service sequence

· How many units of service will be provided for each service component

· Who will provide the services and what will be their qualifications

· Include a workplan/or Gantt chart

6. Project Resources and Budget (3 pages-5 points)

a. Using the sample that you are provided, complete a budget for the proposal. Be sure to consider expenses, as well as possible in-kind contributions.

b. The budget that you will use has a summary and a detail section, which address the major funding elements (make sure that the columns and rows add up). The narrative section is where you will write a justification for what you included in the budget.

7. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plans and Measures (2 pages-5 points)

a. Explain to the Funder what methods will be used to evaluate the outcomes of your proposed program.

b. Be certain to discuss whether the evaluation is formative and/or summative and how evaluation findings will be used.

c. Be certain to explain all methods, both quantitative and qualitative.

d. Be certain to explain whether the evaluation design is Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, or Non-Experimental, and include any limitations to the evaluation methodology.

e. Describe and attach any data collection instruments and questions.

f. Plans for sustaining funding for the program if the outcomes are positive. This refers to planning for funding after the requested funding period has expired.

Appendix A

SMART Objectives







By December 11, 2019, all MHS students will increase their knowledge about grant proposal writing by 85%.

Appendix B

Evaluation Research Designs

Purposes of Evaluations


An assessment conducted during the operation of an intervention or program. It provides information about the implementation of the program as it relates to the initial program design. “Is the program doing what it’s supposed to be doing?”


A review conducted at the end of a program or intervention cycle as an assessment of the accomplishments. “Were program goals met?”

Evaluation Designs

Experimental Design-

Experimental (true) research/evaluation design is a method using random selection to develop experimental groups and control groups. The experimental group would receive the “new” intervention under review, while the control group would not. Ethical consideration would suggest that the control group would continue to get their standard level of treatment. Through observation or other testing, any changes in the experimental group could be attributed to the intervention, if all other aspects of the environment for the two groups were equal.


The primary difference between experimental and quasi-experimental designs is random selection. There is no random selection of group members in the quasi-experimental design, but there can be control groups and other approaches.


If there is no control or comparison group, this is called a non-experimental design: sometimes called pre-experimental design.


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