I have a 3 to 4 page paper due

Are human beings born violent or are they born free from violent tendencies? These questions have been the topic of debate among behavioral and social scientists for decades. In an effort to answer these questions, multiple theories on the origins of aggression have been developed.

Review the following theories and select two for this assignment:

  • Excitation Transfer Theory
  • Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Viewpoint
  • Ethological Viewpoint
  • Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
  • Displaced Aggression Theory

Using the Argosy University online library resources, the readings for this module, and the Internet, research your selected theories.

Respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the two theories you have selected. Create a chart to provide your summary of the differences.
  • Examine which theory best explains aggression.
  • Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.

Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format and include your chart that summarizes the differences between the two selected theories. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a tile page and reference page in APA format.

Given these variables and design, what information would a factorial MANOVA provide you, psychology homework help

Considering your I/O psychology research interests, identify two IVs (each with 2 categories) and three DVs that are measured on continuous scales. Think of DV measures that probably are moderately correlated with each other because they are measuring different components of the same or similar concepts (e.g., three different measures of academic performance). Given these variables and design, what information would a factorial MANOVA provide you?  What more would you want to know if you get significant results in the factorial MANOVA? Why would this be significant

to your research? (Research support is not required for this question.)

I have provided and example of how the questions needs to be answered. 

IV : Gender  IV 1 = Male Veteran and IV 2 = Female Veteran in the following 2 groups

  Category  1 – level of experience (entry, mid, experienced)

  Category  2 – college degree (none, Bachelors, Masters)

DV is:  Hiring data for:

    – Veteran hiring rate and

 – number of months taken to get hired

  – average salary range received


What information would a factorial MANOVA provide you?

A factorial MANOVA design can look at the relationships between the main effects of each of the IVs, and their interaction with the DV.  With the Factorial MANOVA the interaction effect is how the combinations of levels of the IVs influence the dependent variables.  The MANOVA can identify main effect as well as interaction effects between the IV’s and the DV.  The main effect would tell us if there is a difference between our IV and all of DV’s.  Since we have two IV’s with two levels each the factorial MANOVA can

examine effects across all other variables and evaluate significant effects.  The interaction effect can exist between factors such as there an effect between gender with college

degree and level of experience effect hiring rate or any of the other DV’s; determining significant effects on all of the dimensions.   Thus we can identify the relationships with the most significant influence.  This helps us to answer if the IV has a significant impact on the DV, how does the IV relate to the DVs and what are the separate relationships for each variable and the power of the effect on each. 

What more would you want to know if you getsignificant results in the factorial MANOVA? 

A significant result can be seen in a factorial MANOVA in through the separate F-values generated for the main effect and the interaction effect between IV we are using such as

with the Wilks or Pillai’s trace criterion to evaluate the significance level.  When we look at the significance level and find it to be statistically significant we reject our null  hypothesis since the DV was significantly affected.  We can also look at the partial eta square and see if the effect had a large or small effect on the variable.  In my example I could have a significant effect between the IV level of experience and the DV salary range with a small effect, as where I may have a statistically significant effect on IV with

college degree and salary range with a large effect size.  I would then see that both effected the DV but that college degree has more influence on salary then does level of


Why would this be significant to your research?

When there are several similar (correlated) DV’s the MANOVA allows me to analyze single variables without running multiple individual test and causing type I errors.  It also allows me to investigate how the IV’s influence each of DV singularly and collectively.  However, additional Post Hoc test need to be run for this level of comparison. Understanding how each variable differs from each other and how they may overlap in their influence  we can see to what degree they correlate and how much one may affect the other or how the combination effects it.

Wendy Lewis only 3

Compare how the United States differs from another country of your choice on Hofstede’s dimensions of culture. Explain how your knowledge of these differences would influence you as a global manager if you were doing business internationally. Just need 150 words

Application: Ethical and Cultural Considerations-

Application: Ethical and Cultural Considerations

After completing the study activities in this unit, discuss how you will apply two ethical principles and two cultural considerations to your pre-proposal assignment. The suggested length of this post is 300–400 words.

CRJS 4102 500 Words Minimum, Discussion Question

Discuss topic of heredity and crime.  What does the research show?  What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area?

2.      Discuss the topic of chromosomes, genes, and crime.  What does the research show?  What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area?  Please fill free to use the Internet to find more information on this topic.

3.      Please discuss the concept of evolution and crime.  Be sure to discuss Lombroso’s theory of Atavism.  What does the research show?  What are some of the weaknesses of the research in this area? 

4.      Please discuss attachment theory and family interventions used to reduce delinquent behavior. 

5.      Please discuss the how the following social variables may be predictors of criminal behavior: school, neighborhood, work, and leisure.

Your initial post should be over 500 words

Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Paper

Write a 1,500- to 1,750-word paper on the following:

  • Describe one neurodevelopmental disorder and one neurocognitive disorder.
  • Discuss behavioral criteria for each disorder.
  • Discuss incidence rates and causes for each disorder.
  • Propose two options for treatment for each disorder, based on two different theoretical models.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Must be Plagarism FREE

Cited Correctly 

References a must 

See below for guidlines

living with a disability

Living With a Disability

When Shelly saw Ms. Jones in a wheelchair, she felt sorry for her. She said a little prayer of thanks that she could walk and move freely without any hindrance. However, feeling badly for a person and actually sitting in the wheelchair for another vantage point is very different.

Imagine that you suffered an accident six months ago. The accident left you partially paralyzed from the waist down. You are currently seeking counseling from a professional specializing in working with individuals who have disabilities. It has been a difficult six months. Your central concerns relate to the emotional and physical adjustments you must now make in relation to your family, job, and future plans. You are permanently in a wheelchair and have limited use of your legs but full use of your arms and upper body.

  • Identify three major issues that you think you would need to work through in therapy. Explain what aspect of each issue is problematic for you.
  • Explain how your views on intimacy, usefulness, and security will change for you to make the necessary adjustments for living with the disability.
  • How well do you think you would cope with this situation if you faced something similar in real life?

. Your response should be at least two pages long. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

At Michigan State University, 32 students are enrolled in class A, 48 students are enrolled in class B, and 16 students…

At Michigan State University, 32 students are enrolled in class A, 48 students are enrolled in class B, and 16 students are enrolled in class C. For which of these three classes is there the greatest probability that more than 75 percent of the students have blonde hair? Explain your answer and indicate why this explanation has relevance for generalizing appropriately from samples to the larger populations in which you are interested.

What does abnormal anatomy mean?

It typically refers to anatomical structures that for whatever reason, can be found in different places than would be considered normal.

For example, for the majority of people, the heart can be found just slightly to the left of the sternum. However, in a condition known as dextrocardia, a persons heart may be found to the right of the sternum instead; as a mirror image of a normal cardiac anatomy.

These types of abnormalities are rare, but sometimes may interfere with other systems, or have the potential to result in missed diagnoses etc.

What is the difference between a disjunctive fallacy and a false dilemma?

The difference in these two logical fallacies is that DF is looking to make an option false while FD is trying make an option true.

I’ve moved the question to Psychology from English Grammar because this is a psychology/logic question and not a literary device one.

Below is a link to a website that lists out 26 logical missteps, with examples:


Ok – now to the question! The difference between a disjunctive fallacy and a false dilemma.

Disjunctive fallacy results from thinking that within a choice between two things, finding one thing true makes the other thing false (even though they might both be true). For instance, I can say:

I bought the new car either because I like the colour or because I like the styling. I like the colour. Therefore I don’t like the styling.

In logic format, it looks like this:

##X or Y## ##X## ##”therefore not ” Y##

In logic, for the statement ##X or Y## to be found as True, either X or Y needs to be found as True. They both can be True – and so this logical fallacy negates one option that shouldn’t be negated.

False dilemma results from thinking that within an array of choices, two things are chosen (and one is usually extreme) to force the “logical acceptance” of the second choice. For instance, I could say:

The punishment for a thief should either be 10 years of hard labour or death. It shouldn’t be death. Therefore it should be 10 years of hard labour.

In logic format, it looks like this:

##X or Y## ##”not ” X## ##”therefore ” Y##

In logic, for the statement ##X or Y## to be found as True, either X or Y needs to be found as True. If however we throw in a false choice (##X##), the remaining choice is forced to be seen as True.