Apply the Scientific Method by Designing an Experiment, biology assignment help

SCENARIO: As you probably know most plants need CO2 (carbon dioxide) ; H2O (water); minerals such as N (nitrogen), K (potassium), P (phosphorus); and light for growth. As a biologist, you are assigned to carry out a research project on the growth of bean plants. Use your knowledge of the scientific method and biology to design a research project by completing the following format (answer the items below). Please keep in mind that: 1) you are designing a project to test the effects of only one environmental variable (from those mentioned above), and 2) you have about 20 bean plants, each growing in separate pots, to work with. 

Based on the above scenario, design an experiment by answering the following items:

1. Question (write a clear question for your project):

2. Hypothesis (formulate a testable hypothesis): 

3. Prediction (predict what happens if the hypothesis is accepted): 

4. Dependent variable (what is the D. V.  in your experiment?): 

5. Independent variable (what is the I. V.  in your experiment?): 

6. Controlled variables (what are the C. Vs. ?): 

7.  Experimental groups (what is the purpose of the experimental groups?): 

8. Control group (what is the purpose of the control group?)

More on: Scientific Explanation and Theories:

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