2 responses

  • Provide an analysis of how the transition plan was written.
  • Identify strengths and areas of improvement.
  • What additional information might your peer have considered?
  • Provide two additional recommendations that your peer might consider.

Discussion 1


            The transition plan is designed to provide a map to provide the collaborative team the necessary steps to progress with the client.  The transition plan for Mark Fitzpatrick will do just that.   It will draw a picture of where Mark has been in his life, what drives him as well as his strengths and weaknesses are and what the recommendations are for him.


            Mark Fitzpatrick is a 28 year old male in the Transition unit of Huntington Correctional Facility (HCF).  Mark is a high school drop-out whose father passed away.  He is estranged from his mother and ex-girlfriend, who is also the mother of his four year-old son.  Mark wants to be a positive role model for his son, and as a result, he has obtained his GED, and doing well in the big engine program in the Transition unit.  He wants to go to community college to continue his education.  However, Mark faces challenges with verbal and physical aggression, self-harm and anger management.  He has difficulty controlling his emotions.  There may be several causes for this, including attachment disorder.  Woodside and McClam (2015) suggest that human service professionals can identify potential problems using developmental models and identifying issues through situational problems.  Identifying what Mark’s triggers are can help provide him with tools he needs to succeed.  Treating Mark as a whole person, using his strengths can also help him gain the independence he desires.

            The collaborative team has met to discuss their views about Mark and his progress.  The team agrees that Mark has made significant progress in realizing where he has gone wrong.  He realizes the importance of hard work and education.  He desires to be a productive member of society however his behaviors get in the way.  There is disagreement among the team as to whether or not he should be released from prison on time or stay in prison for a few more months for counseling.  Mark is at a disadvantage in the community because he does not have family to stay with during his transition in society.

            The human service professional is making the following recommendations:

  • Mark continues therapy to work through his aggression, self-harm and anger management issues;
  • Mark continues to work with the case manager and job trainer to gain important job and interviewing skills and to find work; and
  • Mark shifts from the Transition unit in HCF to a halfway house to begin using the daily life skills and dealing with others in the community while working with his therapist, case manager and job trainer. 


            Mark is motivated to begin a new life as a member of society.  He sincerely regrets the things he has done, including disappointing his mother by dropping out of school.  He strongly desires to be the role model that his son needs him to be.  With the proper help and guidance, Mark can successfully move from HCF to a successful member of the community. 


Capella University. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2017, from Case 2 Collaboration Meeting: http://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/HS5993/case2Collaboration/case2Collaboration.asp

Capella University. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2017, from Case File for Mark Fitzpatrick: http://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/HS5993/interactiveCaseFile/interactiveCaseFile_wrapper.asp

Woodside, M., & McClam, T. (2015). An Introduction to Human Services. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

 Response /Jenifier

Discussion 2


Communication is the foundation for all interpersonal relationships. Exchanging messages to understand another’s perceptions, ideas, and experiences is especially important in helping relationships. Helping others will be difficult if we do not understand their problems or concerns (Woodside, 2015). It is especially important to learn how to effectively listen and communicate; problem-solving and creating a clear plan is a necessary function for all human service professionals to achieve when it comes to reaching goals for a client.


Both the client and the helper bring attitudes, values, feelings, and experiences, which may be similar or may be different. In addition, the client brings needs, problems, and expectations about what will happen, as well as personal and environmental strengths (Woodside, 2015). The helper comes with knowledge, training, and skills to assist with the problems of the client. Matching clients with helpers is often random, but there is considerable evidence that compatibility between the two is important for an effective helping relationship (Woodside, 2015). Challenges that may occur during the problem-solving process includes, not agreeing with other professional helpers when it comes to a treatment plan. As a professional I would not let my own personal biases or feelings interfere with what is best for the client. Dangers to the situation would include pushing the client away, or making them want to avoid solutions, and not being able to connect with the client; and the client not returning for treatment. I would want to keep communicating and listening to the client to keep things clear, and avoid misunderstandings.  



Overall the main goal in the big picture is help the client succeed at problem solving and finding solutions that work for the situation. As a professional helper and the client work together and communicate their goals to each other, positive changes can occur. The client is the number one priority and providing the best solutions is key to helping those in need.

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