Local Agriculture Plan: Research environmental impacts of agriculture in Colorado.

Local Agriculture Plan: Research environmental impacts of agriculture in Colorado. In an ideal situation, how would you feed the people in your local area (answers from Colorado would differ from Hawaii)? What would system of agriculture would you recommend and why? There are not right or wrong answers, what is important for our discussion is how you apply environmental and agricultural principles that you have researched to your local area. Some ideas to include in your plan:

  • Crop production: How and from where would crops be produced? 
  • Animal production: How and from where would animal productions be produced?
  • Distribution Distance: How far away would fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and processed foods travel? 
  • Farming Methods: What methods of farming would be used? GMOs? Organic? Pesticides? Herbicides? Industrial methods? 

In your response, mention whether your ideas for local sustainable agriculture could be extended to global production and why.

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