What are the benefits measuring the health status of individuals aged fifteen to sixty four years in a particular community or an entire population?

same instructions as the previous response question

100-150 words, apa, etc.

  • What are the benefits measuring the health status of individuals aged fifteen to sixty four years in a particular community or an entire population? What effect do these benefits have on the health status of the community or the entire population?

Life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a population of a certain age would be expected to live, given a set of age-specific death rates in a given year. Years of potential life lost, YPLL, is based on the number of deaths at each age up to some limit. For example, in the United States, the age limit is often placed at 75. People who die before age 75 are defined as having lost some potential years of life. In 2006, 5.5 percent of adults ages 18 to 44 had a limitation of activity, while 7.3 percent of children under age 18 and 32.6 percent of noninstitutionalized adults age 65 and older had a limitation of activity. Physically unhealthy days increased with age. In 2008, adults ages 18 to 24 reported an average of 2.1 physically unhealthy days, while adults age 75 and older reported 6.0 days. In 2007, 9.5 percent of individuals in the United States reported their health to be fair or poor. Therefore, a healthy status in a community is very rare.

  • Which one health statistic has had the most significant impact on the health care profession in the entire US or your community in the last year? Discuss.

High blood pressure, hypertension, has caused 420,000 deaths in America in 2014 therefore, causing 1,100 deaths a day. About 1 in 3 American adults has prehypertension—blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal—but not yet in the high blood pressure range.3 Yet, only about half of people with high blood pressure have their condition under control. High blood pressure can cause heart disease and strokes that may lead to death.

  • Identify one major local social issue currently being addressed by the local elected officials (major, governor, or town council).
    • What ramifications does this issue have on the local population?

Data Security and Privacy, Renewable Energy, opioids / related issues and Transportation/Infrastructure all reached their peak volume due to inorganic engagement. For example, on Tuesday Governor Baker held a press conference praising the benefits of his hydroelectric power legislation. He posted a flurry of tweets documenting the press conference, yet as of Monday, March 28, he still had not responded to social media engagements.

    • Does this issue have any legal impact on the community? Why or why not?

Yes, for example on the opioids and related issues increase a communities’ drug take back programs, or letting constituents know about a new grant for overdose drugs.

For a successful health status of a community, school health is critical to our future. How can we incorporate a program within the school focusing on the safety and well-being of students along with the social needs and health care issues?

  • If you are asked to develop a school health policy for an elementary school, who would be the stakeholders in this process?

The teachers, school administrators (including the ones in the county), parents and students.

  • What types of resources will you need to develop a program?

Supplies, grants / funding and helping hands.

  • How will the focus of the program target health promotion or wellness?

The target of the programs is mainly healthy education and promoting overall wellness. Including, health for the mind, body and soul. Targeting the community as a whole especially, students and parents.

  • What considerations should be taken into consideration when developing the program, such as the physical and social environment?

The physical and social considerations include, a safe environment where kids can be kids while, learning about their health needs. For example, staying outdoors, when indoors reading, learning and less noneducational use of technology.

  • What factors are taken into consideration when developing a program targeting elementary school age children versus adult?

The various personalities and the stages that come with it. For example, more supporting and less tough love and working side by side with their parents.

  • What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect?

It all depends on how it is used in the real world rather than in the movement. Main objective is to impact ones’ future decisions on overall health.

  • As we continue to move in the twenty first century, what elementary school health or safety issues are emerging?

What children do outside of school and their nutritional intake.


Idler E, Benyamini Y. Self-rated health and mortality: A review of 28 studies. J Health Soc Behav. 1997;38(1):21-37.

2 Heron MP, Hoyert DL, Murphy SL, et al. Deaths: Final data for 2006. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2009;57(14). Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

The CDC. (n.a). (June 16, 2016). High Blood Pressure Fact Sheet. Retrieved from, http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fs_bloodpressure.ht

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