When in college, the common papers that you’re asked to write are the research papers. As a student, it’s very essential for you to get to understand its purpose before you write. What a research paper does is that it talks about the world’s most problematic trends. It talks about the disasters that the world is facing. So trends like climate change, deforestation, and pollution. These are some of the problematic trends that the world is facing currently. Therefore, below is an outline of the essential purpose of a research paper on deforestation.
Understanding the Concept
The main purpose of the research paper is to outline the idea to the reading audience. So the first thing that the deforestation research paper does is to define what it is in general, and why it’s important. Also, the paper is going to talk about deforestation in both small and large scale, and what it means. The extent of deforestation problem is also going to be explained in details for the readers to understand why it has been taken as an urgent matter. Finally, the paper will also explain what is expected to happen in case a solution is found.
The Scope
Once you’ve talked about the concept, it’s now time to talk about the scope of the problem. Here, the research paper should talk about the seriousness of the problem currently. Also, it should explain why things have changed mostly in the past years. After that, the paper will also talk about the problem from the economic point of view including culture and social activities that contribute to deforestation. Moreover, the research will look into how much of the forest is still available at that period of time.
The Solutions
This problem of deforestation can be solved in so many different ways. The location of the forest is what actually determines the methods, and why certain solution might not be suitable for some regions. Additionally, the aim of the research paper is to investigate how the rest of the world is solving the issue. Get to know how people in other parts of the world are handling the issue, and how it’s working for them. In this part, the paper can talk about the pros and cons of the solution that people are using, and the long lasting effects of it.
The People
First of all, the reason why we’re facing deforestation is because of the human race. Human beings have tampered with the natural environment by destroying trees and the forest cover. This activities include cutting down of trees and forest fire. So these kind of actions clearly shows how people feel about having forests around them. Therefore, one thing that’s very important when it comes to deforestation is to research people’s point of view. Find people who are living in the areas which have been greatly affected and do your research on deforestation and forest preservation.
Effects of Deforestation
People have overlooked the issue of deforestation and by the time they’re realizing the damage, it’s too late. So it takes these kind of research to show to the world the areas that have been hugely affected by deforestation and the problems that their actions are resulting into. Another objective of this paper is to describe the effects of deforestation, both short term and long term. At the end of this, the direction, importance, and the efficacy of the research paper will be influenced by how the aim were put together. Also, it will show how well the objectives are fulfilled, and how the research paper is going to be useful to the audience targeted.