ob ranking and paired comparison are the simplest forms. For each the job as whole is compared with other jobs.

Job evaluation methods can range from simple to complex. Job ranking and paired comparison are the simplest forms. For each the job as whole is compared with other jobs. This is followed by ranking them in order of importance from simplest job to most difficult. Jobs are judged according to duties, responsibilities, and job demands.

Job classification methods examine job grades or classes with similar difficulty or require similar skills. The grades are determined from job analysis information. Jobs are placed into a class based on how well its characteristics fit in the class.

Point factor rating is commonly used where jobs are broken down over identifiable factors such as skills, effort, knowledge, responsibility, job conditions, etc. Plots are allotted for each factor. Weights are given depending on the job worth. Jobs with similar points are placed in the same grade.

Factor comparison method combines both the ranking and points methods by rating jobs and comparing them. Factor comparison is often used to evaluate higher-level positions (professional and managerial).

The following video presents these methods in more detail:

· Job Ranking

· Paired Comparison Ranking

· Job Classification https://youtu.be/_FQEVSRdU1Y

· Point Factor Rating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFQAI37ifXk

· Factor Comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRKk-sS3rlY

· https://youtu.be/CnBsWsY6O7k

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