Discuss the neurobiological basis for the disorder (e.g., CNS structures involved and neurotransmitters).

Psychology homework help

Select a disorder of the sensory system from this list.

Anton’s syndrome


Balint’s syndrome

Gerstmann’s syndrome


central achromatopsia

apperceptive agnosia

associative agnosia


object anomia

alexia without agraphia

hemispatial neglect

phantom limb pain


Capgras syndrome

tactile agnosia

cortical deafness

pure word deafness

receptive amusia

Conduct research and locate two peer-reviewed articles to support your statements. In your post

Explain the symptoms of the disorder.

Describe how the diagnosis is made (e.g., findings on brain imaging, laboratory testing, etc.).

Discuss the neurobiological basis for the disorder (e.g., CNS structures involved and neurotransmitters).

Describe the functional deficits associated with the disorder including how these may impact the patient’s ability to carry out activities of daily living (e.g., occupational, social, recreational).

Cite your sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center .

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